
July 8, 2017

MaxCondition Training involves targeted performance training. MaxCondition is conceptualized as the optimal condition required to attain specified goals. There is much more to acquiring fitness goals than high rep, random sequence workouts. Optimal performance requires at least some level of structure, in training. “The objectives consist of three main components: the designated increase in sport results, the appropriate alterations in technical-tactical, psychological and competition preparedness, and the necessary displacement in the sportsman’s special-physical-preparedness” (Verkhoshansky, 1985, p. 125).   These objectives can be applied to non-athletes as well. The specifics of the program (training and nutrition) should reflect the goals of the individual.

Sample Training Programs


Individual characteristics: The athlete is a 41-year-old female who has been a successful competitive bodybuilder for the last six years. Her previous training methods were typical bodybuilder training. Before beginning the training program seen below, I had worked with her for about 8 weeks on various aspects of fitness. Basically everything I incorporated in this athlete’s program was novel to her.

Goal: She is ready to take on a new endeavor as she and her husband will travel to Alaska where they will participate in a one-week mountaineering expedition. For her trip to be successful, she will need to develop a variety of motor qualities, particularly work capacity.

Training Program

  • General warm-up: Bike or treadmill 5–7 minutes.
  • DROMS (dynamic range of motion stretching)
  • Davies Hurdle hip mobility: Performing inside leg over, outside leg over, under hurdle,2–3 sets each while utilizing 4 hurdles.
  • Tumbling drills: forward, backward, shoulder rolls. 10–15 rolls each.


Quick hop box turns, performed for 8 seconds. 4 sets. Rest 20–30 seconds between each.

Strength Training: Tuesday

Perform the following exercise in circuit fashion. Do 6 reps of each movement. Once you do each movement for 6 reps, that is considered 1 set. Perform 3–4 sets, resting 1 minute between sets.


Dumbbell push press

Kettlebell cannon balls

Bent over row

Overhead medicine ball throw

Dumbbell side press

Medicine ball chest pass

Incline dumbbell bench

Clapping push ups

Crucifix holds (dumbbells): 30s

Non-weighted GPP:

Performed 2 times non-stop for a total of 4 minutes per round. Circuit is performed 4 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds. Total duration of work time is 16 minutes.

1) Burpees: 30s

2) Shuffle splits: 30s

3) Mountain climbers: 30s

4) Cross leg jumping jacks: 30s

Weighted GPP:

Forward, backward sled pull with sledgehammer tire chops. Movement is performed for two 5-minute rounds. The rest period is 60–90 seconds between rounds. Sled is pulled forward 100 feet, next the sled is pulled back to the starting position with a backward pull. After that, the tire is chopped with the sledgehammer for 10 strikes with the left foot forward, then 10 strikes with the right foot forward for a total of 20 strikes. Repeat the sequence.

Static Stretching:

Hold stretches 10 seconds each.

Thursday Workout:

Pre-strength training: same as Tuesday.

Perform the following exercise in circuit fashion. Do 6 reps of each movement. Once you do each movement for 6 reps, that is considered 1 set. Perform 3 sets, resting 1 minute between sets.


Overhead split style squat

Split style jump squats

Power squats

Jump squats

Reverse hyperextension

Medicine ball wood choppers

Post-strength training: same as Tuesday.

In addition to the training performed Tuesday and Thursday, she performed rock climbing, backpacking and mountaineering skill work 3–4 days per week. These sessions varied in time from 1–3 hours. The last week before the event we eliminated the strength training and performed moderate GPP work along with skill work three times. She told me the trip went well and the climb seemed relatively easy. She was evaluated by the expedition guide and she scored perfect in all categories.


Individual characteristics: The athlete is a 26-year-old male who has participated in sports his entire life. He is a former competitive wrestler and baseball player. He has used a wide array of training modes in his athletic career. He is experienced with the Olympic lifts, kettlebells, and training with numerous non-conforming objects. Within the last year he has also concentrated

heavily on increasing his agility and quickness levels. When he first contacted me, he told me his ultimate goal was to become a competitive noholds-barred (NHB) fighter. He said he would do anything that was required to be successful at this tough sport. Below is mesocylce 2 that I designed for this enthusiastic competitor.

Training Program:

General warm-up: jump rope two 2-minute rounds. Jump rope is used for the general warm-up as well as agility training.

DROMS (dynamic range of motion stretching)

Davies hurdle hip mobility: Perform inside leg over, outside leg over, under hurdle

movements for 2–3 sets each utilizing 4 hurdles.

Tumbling: forward, backward, shoulder, dive, backward extension rolls performed 8–10 rolls each.


Sprawl rolls and stands. Four rolls per set, alternate directions of roll. Rest 30–45 seconds between sets. Perform 3–4 sets. Performed Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Agility Ladder:

Crossover steps, in and outs, lateral in and outs, lateral up and back run. Perform two sets of each movement back to back then rest 30–45 seconds before performing the next movement. Performed Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Strength Training: Monday

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

High hang power snatch 6 2 2m (emphasize speed)

Power squats 4 5 3m

Good morning 3 5 2m

Compound 2 10 1m

Spread eagle sit-ups

Hi low wood chop


Behind neck push press 6 2 2m (emphasize speed)

Incline bench press 4 5 3m

Dumbbell flat bench press 3 5 3m

Close grip bench press 3 5 2m

Barbell farmers walk 3 200ft 1m

Medicine ball circuit: 1 5

Step in chest pass left foot

Step in chest pass right foot

Step in overhead throw left foot

Step in overhead throw right foot

Twisting chest pass, left foot forward

Twisting chest pass, right foot forward

Lying supine chest pass


High hang power clean 6 2 2m (emphasize speed)

Bent over row 4 5 3m

Face pulls 3 5 3m

Single arm cambered bar curl 3 5 2m

Overhead kettlebell walk 3 200ft 1m (snatch position)


Perform the following exercise in circult fashion. Do 5 reps of each movement. Once you do each movement for 5 reps, that is considered 1 set. Perform 2 sets, resting 1—2 minutes between sets.


Medicine ball backward scoop throw

Medicine ball forward scoop throw


Full contact twist

Wednesday & Saturday

  • Post-strength training
  • Rowing or running sprint interval work. Perform 90 seconds of moderate work followedby 15 second sprints. Perform 7 cycles. Add one cycle per week for the next threeweeks. In the next mesocylce we incorporate non-weighted and weighted GPP as ourwork capacity rises.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

Static stretching at the end of the training session.

In addition to the workout provided above the athlete performed Mixed Marital Arts work Tuesday and Thursday. Currently he is 3–0 as a NHB fighter.

Key factors to consider when designing a program:

  • Identifying the most important qualities required to acquire goals
  • Sports Performance: Identifying the most important qualities required to play a specific position.
  • Sports Performance: Identifying an individual’s strengths and weaknesses (the individual factor is often overlooked- as an example, you might see every outfielder on the team performing the same workout, though their strong and weak points are different).
  • Identifying the most common injuries that occur in that sport, or in that population, (e.g. common injuries in elderly) as well as injuries most common in different positions, as related to sports.
  • Identifying movement patterns often performed in the sport and movement patterns of different positions in the sport.
  • Identifying primary energy systems used in the sport and energy systems used by different positions and individuals.

Cognitive and motivational factors should always be addressed, and an attempt to maximize the development of those factors as they relate to performance is important. Goal setting is important, but it is essential to set goals that are realistic (there are limitations- and biology and environment should always be considered), and to understand the strategies required to attain goals. Not every goal is attainable by everyone.

To learn more about program design and what is needed in a quest to maximize fitness refer to MaxCondition

If interested in program design, personal or group training contact me at [email protected]